Welcome to our website
We are proud and excited to announce the new website for Hunter Ranch Improvement District No. 1 of Denton County, Texas, the future home of the Landmark Community. We intend the site to become a trusted source for information regarding the District, its operations and activities. Due to the early phase of development within the District, the information currently available is limited. Construction is scheduled to begin in September 2024 and is to be completed in late 2026. We invite you to visit our site regularly to learn more about the District.
This site is to keep the public, future District residents, District Directors and consultants connected and informed. Our site contains information regarding District Board meetings, District boundaries, District Board of Directors, public documents, contacting the District, and more. As the District continues to develop, additional information and resources will be added to the website.

About Us
Hunter Ranch Improvement District No. 1 of Denton County, Texas (“District”) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas and is subject to continuing supervision by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”). The District was created during the 86th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature through passage of H.B. 4683 and codified under Chapter 3980, Special District Local Laws Code ("District Act") for the benefit of the public and for public purposes, including the acquisition, construction, improvement , financing, operation, and maintenance of public water, sanitary sewer, drainage, road, landscaping, park and recreational facilities. The District operates as a Municipal Management District pursuant to the District Act and Chapter 375, Local Government Code.